Zgodbe o uspehu Oglejte si zgodbe »Srečni skupaj« o mačkah, ki jim je FELIWAY pomagal

Belmont, 7 let star
«Zaradi tega je postal bolj ljubek in ljubezniv mačkon. Zdaj se ponoči crklja, prede in je resnično sproščen. Rešen potepuh,...»
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FELIWAY Classic Električno razpršilo
BW , Willow
«Willow was attacking our older cat, BW, every time she got the chance. I tried all kinds of solutions including separation,...»
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FELIWAY Classic Električno razpršilo
Karma, 15 let star
«Karma is a purebred Lilac Point Siamese and by far the rarest of the dilutes. Also the most hyper. With out FELIWAY Classic...»
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FELIWAY Classic Polnilo
Cooper, 9 let star
«Cooper was a girl, aged 4. She was brought in as a baby and had always remained somewhat skittish and aloof. We were...»
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FELIWAY Classic Električno razpršilo
«My kitten, Mabel, has always been very skittish by nature. Running and hiding when visitors were over, becoming startled...»
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FELIWAY Classic Električno razpršilo

Rue , Lilo & Jasper & Stormy
«I have in total - 4 cats. My oldest cat (Rue) is almost 9 y/o, and my other three cats are between the ages of 1 and...»
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FELIWAY Classic Električno razpršilo