FELIWAY "messages"
Cats communicate through natural messages released in the air (scientifically called pheromones)..
These feline odorless messages are only perceived by other cats, neither by people nor by dogs.

There are 3 main types of feline messages

“Happy Messages”
When comfortable and happy, cats mark their territory as familiar by rubbing their face against corners, furniture, people, or other cats at home. By doing that, they release a “happy message”. When present in the environment, these “happy messages” provide reassurance to the cats.

"Harmony Messages"
After the mother gives birth, she sends “harmony messages” to her kittens. These messages, released in the mammary zone, are naturally appeasing and and ensure harmony between the kittens.

"Territory Messages"
Cats are territorial by nature. They like to feel in control of their territory. They have their own way of telling other cats “this is mine”! They scratch in visible places and leave marks and “territory messages”, coming from their paws.
How does FELIWAY work?

FELISCRATCH by FELIWAY sends “territory messages” to cats and encourages them to scratch on your desired location, like on a scratching post.
Using feline natural territorial messages, FELISCRATCH by FELIWAY is a simple way to prevent your cat's inappropriate scratching in the home.

FELIWAY FRIENDS sends “harmony messages” to cats and restores harmony between cats living together.
Using feline natural appeasing messages, FELIWAY FRIENDS helps your cats live in harmony and avoids tensions, conflicts and fighting.

FELISCRATCH by FELIWAYsends “territory messages” to cats and encourages them to scratch on your desired location, like on a scratching post.
Using feline natural territorial messages, FELISCRATCH by FELIWAY is a simple answer to your cat’s inappropriate scratching in the home.
FELIWAY offers help in many situations Take our quiz to find the FELIWAY product your cat may need